Windows XP Turns 10. Microsoft Wants It To Go Away

Microsoft wants you to move away from XP after 10 years in the wild. Reason why, follow the money trail.

Internet Explorer 9 will not run on XP. Microsoft “Download Center” even offers a little WinXP "End of Support Countdown Gadget", ticking off the days until XP's official support ends in 2014. I downloaded it, just to see. Today it shows 893 days left.

Win7 seems on track to take XP’s place as the most-used OS, but that takes years. The numbers are fuzzy, different analytics sites come up with divergent numbers. The Net Applications site shows, XP still holds 47.29% of the market, with Win7 next with 30.36%, but stats given by StatCounter, show Win7 going up, having 40.39% and XP as #2 with 38.54%.  Read More – Click Here!